Payment Methods

Payment is required, before items are shipped. If you wish either to pay by check or discuss paying terms, please contact us to and let us know. Should you have any other question or comment please contact us on

Our Company’s Details

Company Name: Merlin SoapType of Business: Small industry manufacturing soaps, detergents, personal care, cleaning and hygiene products

Address of Responsible Person: Agiasma, Kavala, 64200, Greece

VAT: EL070960004

Tax Office: Serres, Greece

Telephone Number: 0030 6945614794, 0030 2591 111336

E-mail: and


Ways of Ordering

The majority of our products can be found on our website (, which is frequently updated on a monthly basis and indicates which products are currently available in stock. You can order our products in one of the following ways:

  1. Online by our e-shop

Logging in our website you can choose which products you want to buy and add them to your shopping cart. Then, you fill in your personal details and choose your preferred way of payment and shipping. Your order is completed in a quick and easy manner.

  1. By visiting our physical shop

You can buy our products (retail and wholesale) by coming to Agiasma, Kavala. Upon your visit, you can also enjoy a tour in our infrastructure and see how everything is made.

  1. By phone

You can view our products online and note the SKU of the ones that you are interested in buying. Then, instead of making the order online, you may give us a call on 0030 2591111336, Monday to Friday from 18.00-21.00 and Saturday from 16.00-21.00.

  1. By e-mail

You can also place an order by sending us an e-mail to All we need is the SKU and the quantity of desired products. Please, note them down carefully. Do not forget to include your personal details, shipping address, contact info and whether you wish a receipt or an invoice.

Notes on ordering:

  • For invoices with reduced VAT, delivery must be made in the corresponding place of delivery which must be written in the comments of the order.
  • Merlin soap products will be received shortly after ordering, depending on their availability. To avoid any problems that may arise, you are kindly advised to read our Return Policy before placing an order.
  • To issue an invoice it is imperative for us to know your company’s details (name, address, activity and of course your VAT number).
  • An order is automatically erased within a 15 days period if payment has not been made.
  • Should you have any queries regarding the ways of order, please contact us on Monday to Saturday 09:30-13:30 and 18:00-20.00.

Ways of Payment

Merlin Soap accepts the following ways of payment for your online worldwide orders:

  • Cash on Delivery. You pay directly the goods on delivery by courier.
  • Online charge of your debit or credit card. This is accomplished via SSL (secure connection) through our PayPal account.
  • Using PayPal. You need to have a PayPal account beforehand.
  • Payment at our Headquarters. Get the products directly by us.
  • Deposit to our bank account. After you have made the deposit, please be kind to send us the receipt for swift payment to Alternatively, give us a call on 0030 6945 614794 and let us know. By doing so, you help us to provide you better and faster services.

What you should also know:

  • For purchases over 500€ with an invoice, you must deposit the total amount to our bank account.
  • For purchases over 1500€ with a receipt, you must deposit the total amount to our bank account.
  • For smaller purchases you may choose a way of payment listed herein above.
  • Should you have any queries regarding our payment methods, please contact us on
PIRAEUS BANK 5247091785742 GR3501722470005247091785742 PIRBGRAA RAKITZIS PASCHALIS

Conditional Sales

Please contact us for sales which will be completed only if certain conditions are met (i.e. delivery of products at specific time).

Reselling Our Products

We allow reselling our products both at your store and at craft fairs. We can provide you with all necessary quality certificates in order to assist you to sell our products worldwide. Please enquire on

Free Delivery at Home

This service applies only for Serres and Kavala counties, Greece. The hours for delivering our products directly at your house are 18.00-21.00 Mondays to Saturdays. Please enquire, as this door to door service is not always available.